Like so many people, I struggle with change. I understand that change is necessary, that it can bring new opportunities for growth, development and betterment. I appreciate change, I respect it, and I understand it.
And still…
Change, for all its many benefits, is often uncomfortable, at times even frightening, whether you’re two, twenty-two, or one-hundred-and-twenty-two.
In times of stress or worry, I often find myself drawn to music, which is really just poetry with an instrumental background. Singer-songwriters have a special place in my heart – I’ve write about one of my favourite singer-songwriters, Rodriguez, and this Poetry Friday I’m back with another incredibly talented poet whose songs have inspired countless listeners for decades.
And so, for those of us who are facing changes in our lives, welcome or otherwise, here are some timeless words of wisdom from the incomparable singer-songwriter Carol King, from her song Beautiful:
You’ve got to get up every morning
With a smile in your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You’re gonna find, yes you will
That you’re beautiful, as you feel.
So get out there and show the world all the love in your heart!
Thanks Jane, for this lovely and lively song by Carol King Music is food for the soul and hopefully sometimes helps to move our spirits.
Absolutely! I always turn to music when I’m in need of a pick-me-up!
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. ~Franz Kafka
Music is such a boon in stressful, changing times, isn’t it? Thank goodness we can turn to those poet-philosopher songwriters to help us out.
So true – I’ve always been drawn to artists who seem to be able to capture the human spirit in song!
Music does stir something in my soul. I agree, it helps in times of change or unrest. Thanks for reminding us of the power of song.
You’re very welcome! 🙂
Thank you! Hope you’re feeling beautiful today! Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com
Thank you! I’ve made it through the first week, at least. Onward and upward! 🙂
LOVE this song! This is such a great song to have on my phone to keep me moving with the housework associated with having four teens at home for the summer!
Oh my goodness, yes, you’ll need a little song in your heart to keep up with them! 🙂
It had been ages since I’d heard that song. I used to listen to the Tapestry album over and over. I share your love of singer-songwriters. Thanks for the Carole King fix this week.
My parents were big fans of Carole King, so I grew up singing these songs. My partner is also a life-long fan of singer-songwriters, so we have similar taste in troubadours!
Yep, agreed! A smile greeting the day and then everyone in it works wonders. Thanks for this lovely song, Jane!
It’s wonderful how contagious a smile can be!
There is something about music that allows the words to seep even deeper into my thoughts and soul. This song is a great on to carry through the day.
Isn’t there just! I grew up in a home that always had music playing in the background, and my mum and I both subconsciously hum constantly, we just all have music in our blood!
Timeless…and yet a song we really need to hear at this time.
I chose “change” as my OLW this year because I struggle so much with it and want to learn how to handle it better. Music has always been a big part of my life. Thanks for the song!
It’s amazing the difference a smile makes. #truth 🙂
So true! Smile, and the world smiles with you.
Fake it ’til you make it, right? 🙂
Exactly!! 😀
Oh, Jane. I grew up in a Carol King household. My sister and I went through 3 “Tapestry” albums, because they just wore out. She has a song for just about every feeling, doesn’t she?
YES! I remember hearing that album for the first time as a young teenager, when I was in the midst of a Backstreet Boys obsession, and just being floored. Wow, music that actually had meaning! 😀
This post was a time travel machine. As soon as I started listening to the song, I was that college student of the 70s. My roommate and I listened to Carole King’s album Tapestry all the time! And thanks for the reminder to show the world all the love in our heart. Heaven knows, we need that right now.
Oh so very true! We might not be able to change the world, but we can change how we interact with it, and what spirit we put into it!
Thanks for this, Jane! There’s a lot of truth in those lyrics. (I love my Spotify, where I can find all these old favourite songs and singers and play without having to dust off a record or crank up the old turntable.)
Lovely! Thanks for sharing this song. It’s new to me. 🙂
Even good change can feel like a nightmare. Terrifying and surreal. Carole King is a divine consolation.