Each year the fine folks at Jbrary make a list of their favourite new story time books, and 2024 was no exception.
And in a wonderful bit of news, they included on that list my very own BUNNY LOVES BEANS!
I’ve said it before, but as a children’s librarian with a passion for story times, knowing that my colleagues find value in my work is incredibly inspiring, and helps keep me motivated when the cutthroat world of publishing would otherwise get me down. I know my books are well-written and support early literacy, and deserve a spot on library shelves, even if publishers don’t always feel the same way (can you tell I’ve been wading through a few too many rejection letters recently?).
Again, it’s a funny thing to be referred to by one’s surname, it sounds so formal and professional, when I must admit I’m usually anything but. 😉
A big thank you to every librarian, educator and parent who’s shared BUNNY LOVES BEANS or any of my other books with the children and families in your lives – it honestly means the world to me, and I can’t possible express my appreciation enough.
And be sure to check out the complete list, there are some amazing books on there that you might have missed!
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