A very small group for this story time, only 12 in all, but what a sweet, friendly, welcoming group. They made easing back into story times so lovely!
Welcome Song: Hello, Friends!
Touching Rhymes/Tickles
- Eyes nose cheeky cheeky chin
- Two little eyes
- Peter Pickle pumpernickel
- Head and shoulders
Book 1: If You See a Kitten / John Butler
- A smooth road
- You be the lemon
- A hippopotamus got on a city bus
- The grand old duke of york
Book Two: Monkey and Me / Emily Gravett
Movement Songs
- London Bridge is falling down
- My bonnie lies over the ocean
- Zoom zoom
- The elevator song
Soothing Songs
- Rain is falling down
- You are my sunshine
Goodbye song: Goodbye, Friends!