Speaking of surviving the on-call story time, I delivered a story time to an entirely new group yesterday, and survived! It was all about the toddlers yesterday morning. I hadn’t actually done a toddler time since my student librarian days, but fortunately I learned from some of the best in the business, so I didn’t feel too unprepared!
I followed a template that a children’s librarian shared with me back in the day, and made sure to follow my own advice and include plenty of golden oldies that hopefully everyone would know. Here’s (more or less) how it looked!
Welcome Song: Hello, Friends
Book 1: I Spy on the Farm/ Edward Gibbs
Body rhymes
- I wake up my hands
- Roly poly
- Open shut them
Book 2: Monkey and Me / Emily Gravett
Action Songs
- Bend and Stretch
- Zoom Zoom (multiple times as per audience requests…)
- If You’re Happy and You Know it
- The elevator song
Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Friends
It was a great group, about 36 people in total, so definitely nowhere near as big a group as I’m used to. I hope they had as much fun making animal noises as I did!